Rugged Dissolved Oxygen Sensor
Type: Lumiphore Optical Dissolved Oxygen
Range: 0-20mg/l or 0-450% Saturation
Resolution: 0.01mg/l
Accuracy and Precision: ±0.1mg/l from 0-8mg/l (1.25%) and ±0.2mg/l from 8-20mg/l
Stability: Better than 1% per month (without calibration)
Temperature Range: >0 up to 50°c
pH-range: pH2 up to pH10
Salinity Range: 0-42ppt
Temperature Compensation: Automatically by an integrated thermistor
Permissible Overpressure: 0.5 bar
Typical Response Limited: >25mg/l
Warranty: The shorter of 24 months from the date of manufacture or 12
months from date of first use
Interferences: High levels of hypochlorite